
Tuesday, November 3, 2009

if i could meet the cupid

if i could meet the cupid, i'll take away his bow and arrows and give him a blackberry storm plus a lifetime paid voucher for him to be online 24/7: emailing, browsing, chatting, facebooking, twittering, etc, etc. so, he will be busy being online all the time instead of messing up the world with his silly idea of man-woman falling love to each other. let people find what love really is. i guess the world will be way better without a baby -who cannot even stand on his feet yet, acting as a match maker. hardly understand God's mind when he lets a baby handle this huge super complicated thing. and when a man or a woman feel extremely stupid after a forbidden love or the love that doesn't work after some time, my guess, God is laughing his head out watching us from above trapped in the same old shit.


  1. dari pada ntar saya salah menduga, mending nanya aja sama empunya: maksudnya dalam bahasa indonesia apa mil? hehehehe...

  2. maksudnya adalah... anak kecil gak usah ngurusin soalan orang besar :p

  3. ooooo... jadi siapa ne yang masih kecil? hehehe..
    eh..mana ne foto2 burungnya? udah lumuten ne nunggu terus...
