
Sunday, December 13, 2009

two old men

this morning when i was waiting for the bus, there were two men on a motorcycle passed in front of me. they were slowing down as they were turning left into an office. they were riding an old motorcycle. guess it comes from 90s. just like the motorcycle, those two men are old too. probably around 60s.

they remind me to my father, who seems to be getting a lot older since his 55th birthday last september. well, 55 years old shouldn't be too old. but in my father case, everyone in my family agreed that there was a fake on his birth year. because at my father's era, so few people has birth certificate (akte lahir). we wildly guessed that by the time my father needs to complete the required documents when applying to become a teacher, his parents just picked random/estimated year to be put into his birth certificate.

couple months ago i asked my father to resign from the school and stop working. of course he refused it instantly, "i am not that old!"
hehe... ok then.
i guess those two old men will probably have the same answer as my father's.
and i can only say, "way to go, daddy!" :-))

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