
Tuesday, January 26, 2010

obama, where is the 'change' you promised?

i was as happy as many americans when obama won the US presidential election last year. so many hopes-expectations raised to him. and now, a year after the celebration, he received a nobel peace prize. a precious and highly meaningful award and it happened just right after he sends thousands of troops to afganistan. where is the change he promised??? well, i guess it is no wonder his attandance to copenhagen didn't resulted in something significant. and now i have to admit, once again, we were fooled by politician.

the worse is my country just build obama statue as the expression to admire his success from ordinary kids into a top president.

anyone can be a president, but only few is capable of being leader.

1 comment:

  1. siapapun orangnya, yang namanya presiden amerika ya gitu2 mulu mil: terus ngrecoki negara orang lain, sok jagoan, tutup mata terhadap kejahatan israel, dll...
    jadi apapun makanannya, minumnya tetep jamu brotowali...pahiiitttt... hehehe...

